Aristotle compared the work of art to a living organism and likened artistic production to biological reproduction.
The Vitality of Digital Creation
The recent emergence and rapid growth of computer technology has transformed “digital image” from a confounding oxymoron to a ubiquitous sine qua non.
Refiguring Culture
The longstanding Platonic dichotomy between ideas and images is being challenged as digital media supersede analog ones and computers take an active role in managing the spectacle.
Piece: Contra Aesthetics
Falling within the subject matter of aesthetics is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for being art.
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On the Truth and Probity of Metaphor
Rightfully understood, metaphor proves itself capable of as simple and straightforward a truth as literal language.
The Wizard of Ethereal Pictures and Virtual Places
Postmodern algorithms for picture-making are more evanescent than their Renaissance counterparts because computers process information conceptually instead of physically.
Sublime Art
Neither the landscape nor its “abstraction” in Modern art is genuinely sublime. We must look instead to the development of Literalism to find the sublime expressed in art.
Encyclopedia of Aesthetics – Computer Art (Definition)
Instead of making things, the computer manipulates data. The import of this difference can be summed up with two related concepts: virtuality and interactivity.
Warranting Metaphor
We cannot tell whether a sentence is true or false until we know whether it is used literally or metaphorically.
Real and Pretend
Pretence might be deceptive, cloakng uncomfortable truths with misleading lies. But it may instead be performative, divulging profound truths through exhilarating art.